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How to Change Paper Size in PowerPoint

Posted 12 months ago by Alamin Amin Hossain

Un Answered
Alamin Amin Hossain

PowerPoint supports a range of paper sizes suitable for various purposes. The standard paper size is the (A4) 8.5 x 11 inches, but PowerPoint also supports other paper sizes such as  A3, A4, B4, B5, and many more.

You can set PowerPoint's Slide Size using Design tab of the Ribbon, locate Slide Size in the Customize group. There you can choose any of several standard sizes or enter your own custom size.

When selecting a paper size for your PowerPoint presentation, it’s important to consider the aspect ratio of your slides. 

When PowerPoint is unable to automatically scale your content, it prompts you with two options:

Maximize: Choosing this option could result in your content not fitting on the slide.

Ensure Fit: This could make your content appear smaller, but you’ll be able to see all content on your slide.

When you print, PowerPoint looks at the "Scale to fit" setting. If it's check-marked, PowerPoint scales your slides to fit as large as possible on the current Printer Page Size without distortion or cropping.  

Note: Actually it scales the slide size to the maximum printable area of the printer, which is usually a bit less than the full page size.

When you're ready to print, choose your printer, then verify that the correct paper size and orientation is set. Remove the checkmark next to "Scale to fit paper", load your printer with the right size paper and print.

If you turn "Scale to fit" off, PowerPoint sends the slide at its current PowerPoint Slide Size to the printer with no scaling. It centers the slide on the paper and that's it.  

To change the default printer settings, choose the Windows Start button then choose Settings, Printers. Right-click the printer you want to change and choose Printing Preferences from the pop-up menu. You'll see same dialog box as above, but the settings you make here will be the default printer settings.


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