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How do I put a Header on first page only? Different First Page Header

Posted 11 months ago by Alamin Amin Hossain

Un Answered
Alamin Amin Hossain

When we insert a header on any page in a Word document, it automatically appears on all the pages. But sometimes, we need to insert headers and footers to some specific pages except the entire Word document. 

Many a time, you may be required to insert a header only on the first page of a document. By following the process, you can add different Headers and Footers to only in the first page in  a Word document.

Different First Page Header

Start with the creating page header: 

Double-click on the header portion at the top of the first page of the document.

Or, got to the insert -> 

In the Header & Footer group, click on the Header command. A drop-down menu will appear.

After that, The Header & Footer Tools > Design tab will appear on the ribbon. The header section will also become active with the selected built-in header.

In the Options group, click to check the Different First Page option.

You can now enter the desired content in the ‘Header’ and it will only appear on the first page of the document. 

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