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How to Insert Watermarks on Specific Pages in Microsoft Word

Posted 11 months ago by Alamin Amin Hossain

Un Answered
Alamin Amin Hossain

Hello, recently I tried to add a watermark with watching that video Letterhead Design, PAD Design in MS Word, I wanted that watermark on only one page. But as soon as I add more pages, the watermarks appear on those pages as well. How do I set that watermark on Specific one page? Pls pls, help me. This is so annoying. How can I fix this? 


By default, watermark is applied to all pages in a Word document. If you only want to insert watermark on Specific pages in a Word document, methods in this article will do you a favor.

  • Go to the page you want to apply the watermark, then click Watermark under the Design tab, 
  • Right click on the watermark, and select Insert at Current Document Position from the context menu.

Now the selected watermark is inserted on the current page immediately.


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